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DSPL7 The Hub

Our Children, Our Area


Strategic Plans

Hertfordshire's SEND Strategy 2022-25

All DSPL support and activities are planned in line with Hertfordshire's SEND Strategy 2022-25, and aim to meet the 5 ambitions: Tailoring, Enabling, Provision, Collaborating, Succeeding.

There are a number of priorities that form the core of each DSPL strategic plan:


  • Supporting mainstream schools and settings to meet the needs of pupils with SEND
  • Children and young people awaiting a special school place
  • SEMH, including working with the Mental Health Hubs 
  • Emotionally Based School Avoidance
  • Children and young people who are out of school/electively home educated/missing from school/excluded or suspended
  • Children and young people on reduced or part-time timetables


In DSPL7, these priorities are met through the work done by the SEND leads, NESSie, DSPL7 Family worker, Post 16 Transition worker and KS3 Mentor.
