Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) is a diagnosis given to children and young people who have life-long difficulties with talking and understanding words that are not associated with other biomedical conditions, such as cerebral palsy, or autistic spectrum disorders. For students affected by DLD, it can have a significant impact on their attainment at school, employment outcomes and social and emotional wellbeing. Many children and young people with DLD are not identified, meaning that they are not getting access to the support they need. Research indicates that DLD affects 2 children in every class of 30.
The Speech and Language UK website has a wealth of information about identifying and supporting children with language difficulties.
Within the Educator Hub section there are a number of free resources designed to be used by SENCos (or other school-based staff) to share information with staff in their schools about DLD. These resources are relevant for both primary and secondary school staff.