WithYouth Service
WithYOUth launched in October last year as part of the CAMHS redesign with the focus on prevention and early intervention. WithYOUth is a digital wellbeing service for 5–18-year-olds across Hertfordshire with mild to moderate mental health needs. The aim of the service was to provide CBT informed and emotional support and make it as accessible as possible to children and young people.
Services include…
One to One support, digitally (over teams or zoom) working with a YP to identify their goals and using different resources and a CBT informed approach to support them to achieve them. The sessions are reviewed every 4 weeks and usually last between 8-12 weeks. This is the only service that needs a referral - the referral form can be found below and can be completed by anyone.
There is also an Instant Messaging service which is open Monday-Friday 2pm until 10pm; this service can be used by 5–18-year-olds but also parents and professionals around the young person to gain instant access to advice & guidance, access to resources, signposting, or emotional support.
Lumi Nova is a digital CBT and exposure therapy delivered through an intergalactic themed mobile gaming app. It is recommended for 7–12-year-olds and designed to empower children to overcome their worries through a range of different challenges and psychoeducation woven into the storyline of the game. Parents/YP can sign up for this instantly and receive their game code through the website.