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DSPL7 The Hub

Our Children, Our Area


Early Years advice and support

The Family Centre Service supports children, young people, their parents, families and carers.

These are just some of the services they offer:


If you have concerns about your child's development, you can talk to a SEND champion, or drop into a coffee morning session.

Follow the link below to visit their website

The Health for Under 5s website provides support to parents and carers right through from pregnancy to pre-school.  There is advice and guidance on supporting children's speech development, and supporting young children with additional needs.


Follow the link below to visit the website.


Step 2

The Step2 under 5s clinicians offer parent/infant relationship focused work using strengths and evidence based approaches to promote emotional health and wellbeing for infants and young children. Interventions offered include 1:1 and group approaches.   For children aged under 5 years, parent / carers will need to have accessed support from their health visitor, the family support service or via a parenting programme prior to accessing support from Step2.
