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DSPL7 The Hub

Our Children, Our Area


EMWiE team

Hertfordshire’s newly formed Emotional and Mental Wellbeing in Education (EMWiE) Team is now complete. They will be supporting all educational settings, from early years to further education to continue embedding a Whole School Approach to emotional and mental wellbeing. Initially they will be consulting and co-producing with school staff, pupils, parents, carers and the wider community, to find out the best ways they can support their needs. Their aims are to help children and young people feel supported whilst going through their education, so that they can thrive and ultimately fulfil their potential into adulthood.


Initial Key Objectives:

  • working in co-production with education to review and redesign the existing whole school approach to emotional wellbeing Kitemark process, to develop and deliver a solution to whole school approaches that is achievable, relevant, meaningful and impactful
  • To understand the training needs of schools, to ensure any delivered training in meaningful, relevant and will equip you with improved confidence and knowledge to support pupils and students, including appropriate referrals.
  • Expansion of the Mental Health Support Teams
  • Signposting, sharing resources and good practice amongst all settings.  Ultimately, ensuring CYP are linked in with and can access emotional and mental wellbeing support.                


In DSPL7, the link EMWiE is Shelley Woods -


Contact the team:

Charlotte Dyer -

Trudy MacNamee -

Lynne Shine -

Sarah Chandler -

