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DSPL7 The Hub

Our Children, Our Area


Outreach support


Special School Outreach

The Collett School is an all age special school for children with Learning Difficulties and complex needs, including Autism, sensory needs and associated physical needs.  An important aspect of the work they do is to offer SEN Outreach support to mainstream schools in DSPL7.  


There are 3 parts to the support:

i)   pupil focussed support

ii)  school focussed support

iii) inreach and training


Outreach support is provided by Karen Thorp.  To make a referral, complete the form below.


Behaviour Outreach

Links Multi Academy Trust Outreach Team serve schools in the DSPL7 area. The team supports children and young people who are experiencing SEMH and behaviour difficulties with planned intervention and training for staff.  The aim of the team is to enable children and young people to experience success in all elements of their school life, particularly where challenging behaviour is preventing them from accessing learning or places them at risk of exclusion from school. Challenging behaviours may include refusal to follow instructions, defiance, verbal or physical aggression, attention seeking behaviours and persistent disruption to learning.  


Referrals to the team for behaviour management support are made by schools, with consent and input from parent(s) or carer(s) by completing a Single Service Request form and an Assessment and Progress form, which can be found on their website.


Cedars Outreach

Cedars Primary Support Base offers Tier 3 Outreach Support tailored to an individual child in the DSPL7 area, who presents with significant behaviours or is at risk of permanent exclusion.  Cedars Outreach usually requires the school to have previously received Tier 1 or 2 support for the young person but this is subject to a case assessment.

Referrals to the Cedars Outreach Team can be made by completing the Single Service Request and Assessment and Progress forms.


Cedars Primary Support Base (PSB)

Cedars is a purpose built centre on the Links Academy site in Woollam Crescent in St Albans.  It opened in 2019, and provides 2 terms of education for young people aged 5-11 years old with SEMH needs who could be permanently excluded or are at risk of permanent exclusion from their school. The base offers a broad and balanced curriculum, within a supportive, nurturing environment.  The staff ratio at Cedars is very high, allowing them to help all the students as much as they need, while always being mindful to develop their independence to allow a successful transition back to their mainstream school.


The Cedars PSB Application Deadline and Panel Meeting Dates:

  • Application Deadline: 6 June 2023
  • Panel Meeting: 14 June 2023

All referrals for Cedars Primary Support Base must be fully completed and sent to:
