HfL Education
HfL Education (formerly Herts for Learning) supports school improvement through a range of traded services and training opportunities. Within HfL there is a team of SEND advisers who work with schools and academies to ensure the SEND Code of Practice is embedded, and that outcomes and progress for pupils with SEND improve.

Benchmark and Planning Tool (B&PT)
The Hertfordshire SEND Benchmark & Planning Tool has been developed to give schools a framework for discussion about their policy and provision for children and young people with SEND. Hertfordshire schools should be using this as part of a collaborative, solution-focused approach, through which they can evaluate and identify strengths in their practice and plan next steps.
The B&PT will be used as a focus for the SEND ASV. HfL sends out an annual B&PT survey in May each year, which is used by HfL and DSPLs to plan support and training for the next academic year.
SEND Toolkit 6th Edition
HFL Education have co-produced the toolkit with Hertfordshire County Council and families who have children and young people with SEND. The essential SEND toolkit for schools has been updated and refreshed for 2024-25 and continues to support professionals to deliver great provision for children and young people with SEND. Based on the principles and statutory requirements of the SEND code of practice: 0-25 years, the toolkit adds a Hertfordshire flavour to the mix, modelling great practice for all five outcomes of the local authority’s SEND strategy. A vast array of tools and resources go with the toolkit, including a self-evaluation tool that helps guide schools towards providing high quality SEN support.
Follow the link below for all HfL SEND resources