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DSPL7 The Hub

Our Children, Our Area



DSPL7 commissions NESSie to provide therapeutic support for children in Y4-Y9 who may:

  • show signs of developing Emotionally Based School Anxiety (EBSA)
  • be on reduced timetables because of anxiety
  • have trauma and attachment needs that impact on attendance or access to the classroom


NESSie provide arts therapies (Art, Drama and Music), using creativity and imagination to improve mental health and are particularly helpful to those who prefer a less verbal approach.  Children and young people use drama, music or art to explore, express, reflect and recover from difficult or challenging events.  Arts therapists are clinicians and are registered and regulated in the UK.  All NESSie therapists are registered with an accredited body (HCPC, UKCP, BACP or PTUK) and have been employed in line with Hertfordshire's Safer Recruitment Policy.

Meet our Therapists

Making a Referral

NESSie supports children in Y4-9 with moderate mental health difficulties whose needs cannot be better met by another service and fall within the Local Authority's priority areas (see above). Before making a referral, you may wish to discuss your concerns with a therapist, either by email or by booking a solution focussed appointment at one of the monthly surgeries.  Referrals are only accepted from schools and parent consent is needed.  


Before making a referral, both the parent and school should complete the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and upload the forms to the referral portal.  The information in this questionnaire will help the therapist decide whether NESSie is the right service for the young person.  Referrals will not be accepted without SDQs attached.


If the referral is accepted, a NESSie therapist will be in touch with the school to arrange an initial assessment visit.

