Parent training and network information
DSPL7 Parent Training Booklet
Hertfordshire Local Authority commissions local groups and charities to provide SEND training and workshops for parents on a range of topics. DSPL7 compiles all the different training opportunities into a termly training booklet. Courses should be booked via the provider.
Follow the link below to visit individual training provider websites
DSPL7 and VISTA SEN coffee mornings
Monthly SEN coffee mornings are organised by VISTA and DSPL7. These are for parents who would like advice and support for any issues they may be experiencing at home with a child with SEND. VISTA school family workers and DSPL7 staff are available to chat to, and to signpost to other agencies as needed. The coffee morning also provide opportunities to meet other parents who may be experiencing similar things.
In addition, bookable 30 min appointments can be made with a SEND professional. These provide a chance for parents to gain specific advice and strategies for different areas of need.
EBSA Coffee Mornings for Parents
DSPL7 and Services for Young People run coffee mornings for parents with a child/young person in Years 5-11 who are struggling to attend school because of emotionally based needs. Services for Young People can provide activities for any young person who may also wish to attend with a parent.