Glossary of SEND terms
Acronym | Full terminology | Meaning |
ADHD | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | A condition that affects behaviour, focus and concentration. |
ASD/ASC | Autistic Spectrum Disorder or Condition | A developmental disability that affects communication and interaction with the world |
AAC | Augmentative and Alternative Communication | All of the methods of communication other than using speech |
AR | Annual Review | EHCPs have to be discussed and updated every year |
- | Access Arrangements | Support put in place to help students to do exams |
AP | Alternative Provision | Education that takes place outside of a school for students who are unable to attend or who would not otherwise receive a suitable education. |
CYPMHS | Children and Young People's Mental Health Services (formerly CAMHS) | NHS service that assesses and treats young people with emotional, behaviouralor mental health difficulties (Tier 3) |
C&I | Communication and Interaction | The 1st of the 4 areas of need |
C&L | Cognition and learning | The 2nd of the 4 areas of need |
- | Comprehension | Understanding the meaning of things |
CoP | Code of Practice | Statutory guidance for all organisations that support CYP with SEND |
DfE | Department for Education | Government department responsible for children's services and education |
- | Differentiated curriculum | Modified or adapted curriculum that meets the different ability levels of learners |
DMO | District Medical Officer | Senior health agency official who advises on matters of public health |
DD (GD) | Developmental delay / Global delay | Taking longer to meet certain developmental milestones than children of a similar age |
DSPL | Delivering Special Provision Locally | A local area group in Herts |
- | Expressive Language | The ability to request, make choices, ask questions, answer and describe events |
EHCNA | Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment | Evidence gathering process to help decide if an Education, Health and Care plan is needed |
EHCCO | Education, Health and Care Co-ordinator (formerly SEN Officer) | The primary contact within the SEN team for CYP with EHCPs, their families and schools |
EHCP | Education, Health and Care Plan | A legally binding document that describes the needs of the CYP and sets out the extra help and support needed |
EHE | Elective Home Education | Choice made by parents to educate CYP at home or in some other way away from school |
EOTAS | Education other than at school | Education of CYP outwith a formal education setting |
EP | Educational Psychologist | Trained psychologist specialising in child development |
EY | Early Years | Period from birth to age 4 |
EYFS | Early Years Foundation Stage | Nursery and Reception years in education |
FFA | Families First Assessment | Early help tool to identify needs and organise the right support |
- | Fine motor skills | Small muscles of the hands - using pencils, scissors, constructing with lego, doing up buttons |
- | Graduated Approach | Assess, plan, do, review cycle (APDR) |
- | Gross motor skills | Whole body movements - sitting, crawling, throwing and catching, kicking a ball etc |
HI | Hearing Impairment | Hearing loss that can be mild, moderate or severe |
HNF/LHNF | High Needs Funding/ Local High Needs Funding | Top-up funding for CYP with needs that meet a higher threshold for support |
HPCI | Herts Parent Carer Involvement | Independent parent/carer organisation |
IEP | Individual Education Plan | Called different things across schools. Plan that sets out the support that will be put in place to meet needs |
INCo | Inclusion Coordinator (schools) | Like a SENCo, but covers additional vulnerable groups such as pupil premium, children looked after and those with English as an additional Language (EAL) |
IPSEA | Independent and Parental Special Education Advice service | National parent/carer organisation |
ISL | Integrated Services for Learning | Local Authority statutory SEND service |
KS1-5 | Key Stage (1-5) | The different age range blocks within schools. |
LD | Learning difficulties | Reduced cognitive ability, difficulty with every day activities and independence |
LA | Local Authority | Official body responsible for the organisation of all public services and facilities in the area |
- | Local Offer | Provides information to families of CYP with SEND about what support services are available in the local area |
LSA/TA | Learning Support Assistant/Teaching Assistant | Staff in schools that provide additional support to the teacher and to some individual pupils |
- | Maketon | Language programme that uses signs and symbols to help with communication |
- | Mainstream school | Maintained school or an Academy that is not a special school or an independent school |
- | Mediation | A way of sorting out differences between parties, often between parents and the local authority |
MSI | Multi-sensory Impairment | Hearing and Vision loss. Some may be completely deaf and blind. |
- | Neurodiversity | The different ways that the brain works and interprets information, highlighting that people naturally think about things differently |
- | Non-verbal or pre-verbal | Communication before speech has developed |
Ofsted | Office for standards in education | Government body responsible for inspecting schools and childcare providers |
OT | Occupational Therapy | Support to improve the physical ability to carry out every day tasks |
OCD | Obsessive Compulsive Disorder | Common mental health condition where a person has uncontrollable and reoccurring thoughts or behaviours that they feel the urge to repeat over and over |
ODD | Oppositional Defiance Disorder | Uncooperative, defiant and hostile behaviour |
PECS | Picture Exchange Communication System | Using visual symbols and pictures to communicate |
- | Provision panel | Multi-agency group that decides on the type of setting that best meets the needs of a child |
- | Personal Budget | Funding that the Local Authority can give to parents or a young person over 16 years to secure particular provision that is specified in the Education, Health and Care Plan |
PD | Physical Difficulty | Long term physical impairment that has a substantial effect on the ability to carry out everyday activities |
PMLD | Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties | A severe learning disability that significantly affects the ability to communicate and be independent. |
PNI | Physical and Neurological Impairment | Physical difficulty and/or medical need that creates a barrier to learning or to the setting. Physical resources and reasonable adjustments will need to be made. |
PSB | Primary Support Base | Small specialist provisions for children with SEND, attached to mainstream schools |
PVI | Private, Voluntary and Independent | EY settings that provide childcare from 0-5 years and may be open 52 weeks of the year |
RAG | Red, Amber, Green | A rating often used to show if targets are on track to be met |
- | Receptive Language | Understanding what is being said |
- | Reasonable Adjustments | Changes a school makes to remove or reduce a disadvantage related to someone's disability. |
SaLT | Speech and Language Therapy/Therapist | Support and care for children who have difficulties with communication, eating, drinking and swallowing |
SEND | Special Educational Needs and Disabilities | A learning difficulty or disability that means a CYP may need special health or education support |
SENCo/SENDCo | Special Educational Needs (/Disabilities) Co-ordinator | The person in school responsible for ensuring that the needs of CYP with SEND are met |
- | Special Educational Needs Support | Support that is different from or additional to that which is generally given to other children of the same age using the APDR cycle |
- | SEND Information Report | A statutory document on a school website that explains how a school supports CYP with SEND |
SLCN | Speech, Language and Communication Needs | Difficulties with speech sounds and/or understanding of language |
SLD | Severe Learning Difficulties | Dianosis of significant impaired intelligence and impaired social functioning |
SPD | Sensory Processing Disorder | A condition that affects how the brain processes sensory information |
SpLD | Specific Learning Difficulties | An umbrella term for Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia |
- | Short Breaks | Activities for disabled CYP to give families a break |
- | Special School | Schools that provide education specifically for CYP with needs that can't be met in mainstream |
SEND SAS | SEND Specialist Advisory Service | Team of SEN Advisory teachers that support schools and pupils with a range of needs |
SENDIASS | SEND Independent Advice and Support Service | An impartial SEND service for CYP and parents |
SCERTS | Social Communication, Emotional Regulation and Transactional Support | A research based educational approach that supports the core difficulties experienced by CYP with Autism |
SEMH | Social, Emotional and Mental Health | The 3rd of the 4 main areas of need |
S&P | Sensory and Physical | The 4th of the 4 main areas of need |
SRP | Special Resource Provision | Centres attached to mainstream schools providing access to a mainstream curriculum in a smaller and less stressful environment |
- | Transition | The process of changing from one thing to another - class, year group, school etc |
TEACCH | Teaching, Expanding, Appreciating, Collaborating/Cooperating and Holistic | An approach sometimes used with Autistic children in school |
VI | Visual Impairment | A loss of sight that cannot be corrected by glasses or lenses |
VSEND | Valuing SEND | An online tool that schools can use to look at at needs holistically |