Local School Partnerships
Harpenden Plus Local Schools Partnership
The Harpenden Plus Partnership covers the area of Harpenden, Kimpton, Redbourn and Wheathampstead.
It offers free and confidential services to parents/cares of families of children who attend the partnership schools. The small team of family support workers help families with any concerns they may be facing with a child both at home or school, however large or small the problem. They can offer anything from a conversation to a longer period of support. The partnership also runs various courses and workshops on a variety of topics that give ideas to try at home.
The Partnership Manager is Helen Fitzakerly.
Contact the partnership on 01582 623676 or email familysupport@saunceywood.herts.sch.uk
St Albans Plus Local Schools' Partnership
The 49 schools in the St Albans Plus Schools Partnership commission Vista St Albans to support their children, young people and families through the educational services that Vista offers. The aim of Vista and St Albans Plus is to provide early interventions for children and young people experiencing difficulties which prevent them from engaging fully in their education.
The Core Service provides the School Family Worker Service and the Traded Service provides additional support such as mentoring, counselling, behaviour support and parenting courses/workshops. All School Family Workers are skilled, experienced and trained to support families by offering a non-judgmental approach. By working with parents and carers in the home and teaching staff in the school, they can deliver a targeted programme of support or signposting to relevant services.
The Vista manager is Karen Broom and the Partnership manager is Jackie Greene.
Contact the team by phone on 01727 519128 or by Email: vistastalbans@gmail.com