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DSPL7 The Hub

Our Children, Our Area


Early Years


On this page:

  • Early Years Specialist Advisory Service
  • DSPL7 EY resources library
  • WellComm toolkits and training

Early Years SEND Specialist Advisory Service

There are a number of professionals in the team who work alongside settings and parents to ensure children with SEND in the early years get good quality, inclusive support that helps them make progress. A child does not need a medical diagnosis or an EHCP to be referred to the team - the Early Years SEND team will provide support based on a child’s level of need.


  • Specialist Advisory Teachers (SATs) are qualified teachers with specialist SEND experience and qualifications. They work with individual children and their families and/or schools, assessing need and giving practical advice and guidance and offering training. 
  • Early Years Inclusion Specialists (EYIS) are highly experienced, specialised learning support practitioners. They work alongside the teachers to demonstrate the strategies suggested in their advice and guidance. EYIS can offer support in the home, nurseries and schools. They also deliver training and offer group sessions for children and their families.  
  • Inclusion Development Officers (IDO) have extensive and varied experience in Early Years education and SEND. They work with staff in private nurseries and school nursery settings, developing inclusive practice by training staff and enhancing processes within the nursery.
  • Early Years Emotional Wellbeing and Behaviour Specialists have specialised knowledge, skills and experience supporting children with social, emotional and behavioural needs in the Early Years.  They work with Early Years providers to develop therapeutic behaviour support in their settings. They work with a small number of individual children who may be at risk of placement breakdown due to their emotional and behavioural needs.


Referrals are accepted from parents, health professionals and education professionals.


Early Years advice line

The advice line is in place to help with any queries. It's available during term time on Wednesday 9am - 12pm and Thursday 1.30pm - 4pm. Call 01442 453920.

DSPL7 Early Years Sensory Resources Library

DSPL7 has a number of resources suitable for children with ASD, ADHD and sensory needs, which can be borrowed by EY settings for up to a term.  This allows EY settings to trial these items to see if they have a positive impact on the pupil.  

To request to borrow any resources, please email


DSPL7 WellComm Toolkits

EY settings can borrow an EY WellComm Toolkit from the DSPL7 Assessment Tools library.  This useful resource can quickly identify speech and language issues in children up to 4 years.  To borrow a toolkit for a month, please email

WellComm Training
