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DSPL7 The Hub

Our Children, Our Area


SEND Online Safety


Children and young people with SEND are more likely than their peers to experience online issues such as cyberbullying, online grooming and exploitation. To help them connect and share safely with others online, a number of resources have been produced to provide insight and advice on what parents or carers can do to support them.

The NSPCC has partnered with Ambitious about Autism to bring online safety tips, advice and activities specifically for parents and carers of children with SEND.  Visit their website for online safety tips, advice and activities to help keep your child safe online.

The NSPCC has also produced teaching materials for Secondary schools to support delivery of inclusive relationships education. The free lesson plans for children and young people with SEN cover:


  • friendships
  • communicating online
  • personal space
  • consent


Resources can be accessed by following this link. have a range of expert guides providing advice on the main activities that children do online, to help children and young people with SEND have a safer and more positive time online.

Childnet has produced an online safety teaching toolkit on internet safety for 11-16 year olds.  The toolkit explores online safety through films and a range of ready-made teaching resources.  

Childnet have also produced a Parents and Carers toolkit containing 3 resources that offer practical tips and advice on different aspects of keeping children safe online.

They have teamed up with Widgit Software to produce a whole set of Widgit symbol materials to visually represent the SMART rules for pupils with SEN.

'Know your friends with Josh and Sue' is an animated film aimed at young people aged 11-13 who have learning disabilities.  The resource includes a supporting lesson plan and is available in two versions, one for moderate learning disabilities and one for severe levels of need.

