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DSPL7 The Hub

Our Children, Our Area


Reduced Timetables

Hertfordshire County Council’s Reduced Timetables Portal

Information about accessing the Reduced Timetables Portal for schools can be found here on The Grid.


Local authorities are required to provide detailed data on school age children in their area who are not in receipt of full time education and schools are similarly expected to maintain data on students of compulsory school age who are on their roll but attending on a part-time timetable. The Local authority has published guidance for all maintained school, academies, free schools, studio schools, UTCs, ESCs and PSBs on the use of part-time time-tables for pupils of compulsory school age ( the term after their fifth birthday to the last Friday in June following their 16th birthday) All schools are asked to return information on children who are on part-time tables within five days of the pupil starting or ending a part -time timetable
