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DSPL7 The Hub

Our Children, Our Area


Post 16 Transition

DSPL7 is currently recruiting for a new Post-16 Transition Coordinator, with the aim of this post being filled by January 2025.


The role of the Post-16 Transition Coordinator is to support young people with SEND, but without an EHCP, in Years 10 and 11 to create a future pathway after GCSEs. This could include 6th form, T Levels, Level 1 - 3 college courses, employment or an Apprenticeship.  In addition, the Post-16 transition coordinator would continue to work with young people and their families for the first year of their Post-16 destination, if referred. Referrals are currently on hold until this position is filled.

Follow the links below to find out more about post 16 options
