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DSPL7 The Hub

Our Children, Our Area


Down's Syndrome


Down's Syndrome is a genetic condition caused by the presence of an extra chromosome.  Individuals with Down's Syndrome will have some level of learning disability and will need varying levels of support (NHS, 2019).  It is generally accepted that both Down's syndrome and Down syndrome can be used interchangeably.



Hertfordshire based Down's Syndrome Charities

DS Achieve is a Hertfordshire-based charity which offers a range of services to families and professionals in Herts and the surrounding counties.

Up on Downs is a Hertfordshire parent run organisation which supports families of children with Down’s Syndrome.

Upwards with Downs is a registered charity offering support to adults and children with Down syndrome throughout Essex, Hertfordshire and adjoining counties. 


Teach Me Too

Teach Me Too is an online library of short educational videos and accompanying learning resources, all designed around the specific learning profile of children with Down’s syndrome.  Teach Me Too is brought to you as a free resource as part of a partnership between Learn and Thrive and 21 Together.
