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DSPL7 The Hub

Our Children, Our Area


DSPL7 Board


Spiral Partnership Trust

The Lead Agency for DSPL7 is Spiral Partnership Trust, with Marcus Cooper, CEO, as the Lead Head.

The DSPL7 Board decides and directs the strategic focus and ensures that the DSPL funding is managed through a transparent approach that is fair, meets local needs and achieves best value for money.  The Board meets 6 times a year.

DSPL7 Group Membership




Marcus Cooper

CEO Spiral Partnership Trust


Elaine Bridle

DSPL7 Manager & SEND Lead


Sue Sheffield

Strategic Lead for DSPL

Local Authority Representative

Sarah Hedges

Head Teacher - Batford Nursery

EY Representative

Hannah Rimmer

Head Teacher - Bernards Heath Infant School

Primary Head Teacher

Cynthia Rowe

Head Teacher - How Wood

Primary Head Teacher

Emma Simmons

Executive Head Teacher - Crabtree Schools

Primary Head Teacher

Phil Newberry

Head Teacher - Sir John Lawes

Secondary Head Teacher

Annie Thomson

Head Teacher - Marlborough Science Academy

Secondary Head Teacher

Stephen Hoult-Allen

Executive Head – Blue Tangerine Federation

Special School Head Teacher

David Allen

Head Teacher - Links Academy

ESC Head Teacher

Joe Gore

Oaklands College

Post-16 Representative

Amanda Busby


Parent Representative

Linda Warnock


Parent Representative

